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Maternity Leave and Returning to Work
State Paid Family Leave Insurance Laws
The Returnity Project shares stories and resources for parents returning to work
It’s Time to Double Down on Our Support for Working Parents
Overview of California Maternity Leave Laws and Benefits
Paid Family Leave information from Employment Development Department of California
Laws protecting your leave and wage replacement (California)
Blog that has lots of information about various forms of Maternity Leave Policies (California)
Specific updates to California Maternity Leave policies effective January 2018

The first three trimesters (and the fourth—those blurry newborn days) are for the baby, but the Fifth Trimester is when the working mom is born. No matter what the job or how you define work, you’re going to have a lot of questions. When will I go back? How should I manage that initial “I want to quit” attack? Flex-time or full-time? How can I achieve 50/50 at home with my partner? What’s the best option for childcare? Is it possible to look like I slept for eight hours instead of three? And . . . why is there never a convenient space to pump?
Whether you’re in the final stages of pregnancy or hitting the panic button on your last day of leave, The Fifth Trimester is your one-stop shop for the honest, funny, and comforting tips, to-do lists, and take-charge strategies you’ll need to embrace your new identity as a working parent and set yourself up for success.

What we are reading
There are many books about being pregnant and giving birth, but none focus on the emotional component of transitioning to motherhood and how to set yourself up for success during maternity leave.
Look no further working moms-to-be, this Maternity Leave guide is what you’ve been waiting for. Written for the busy professional, this handbook has everything you need in one place, and you can easily digest it in a single sitting.